Saturday, March 2, 2019

Why Big company won't listen to the user's feedback? And why I think Linux will over take Windows

大概20多年前就开始用微软的Visual Studio,VC5.0和6.0那时在中国有很多盗版,有汉化版,除MFC外还有很多库,开发Windows程序很方便。再后来,VC2005,VC2008, VC2010,VC2012,VC2015, 功能feature越来越多,可是软件包也越来越大,不管需不需要,bundle了一堆.net,数据库,web和mobile包,动不动就十几个G。尽管硬盘越来越便宜, 作为一个资深程序员,要安装很多软件,还有Windows/Linux双操作系统,还要保存很多git repository,安装虚拟机或container,如果用SSD的laptop, 时常硬盘空间还是会捉襟见肘的。所以我想要能选择安装我需要的module,可是事实让人很frustrated。参见VisualStudio User voice, 有800+ vote的给VC2015安装加customazition的建议,直到现在也没有完全解决。
Google is doing the same thing now. People is asking to get the standalone Android SDK but they are not listening.
NVidia is not listening to the Linux world: Linux users have long had a love-hate relationship with Nvidia. On the one hand, Nvidia’s proprietary graphics drivers have always been the best-performing ones for Linux gaming. On the other hand, Nvidia has been so hostile to the open-source community that Linus Torvalds literally gave it the middle finger a few years ago. Torvalds also called them “the single worst company” the Linux developer community has ever had to deal with.
Microsoft doesn't provide a bug report system? There are free QA working for you! Fail of skype:
Windows 10 is kind of free for almost everybody now. But, I still believe M$ will lose their shares day after day. Though storage is huge and much more cheaper for today's computer, Windows software takes too much space. For example, I can have the modern Linux/Ubuntu 16.04 running on a 8GB USB stick. But you cannot install a Windows 7/8/10 on a harddisk has less than 20GB space. And nobody will expect a Windows can run on a USB key, as when you plug in the USB key to a different model computer, likely you will either get a pop window saying h/w changed, or get to auto repair/recovery mode. The best case is that it will reconfigure the setting and allow the PC to boot up windows. But usually, you won't have the luck. Today's M$'s success mostly thanks to the pirate of the Windows OS. Because of pirate version of Windows spread all the corner of the world, that most popular software and game are also developed for Windows platform. But the world is changing. Most embedded system include Android and Apple's iOS are Linux based. And more and more young programmer are getting to learn and use Linux. And it makes sense for M$ to put Ubuntu and other Linux into Windows store. You can grab one if you join the Windows 10 Inside program, though it is not complete system. Nowadays, I can do almost all the stuff on Linux, include running M$'s office 365 software, as there is cloud online service.


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