Monday, March 11, 2019

Android开发笔记-ch3.4.2 XML and RSS, 3.4.3 Google Maerial Design, 3.4.4 Android Design Support Library

3.4.2 XML and RSS

Refer to this: RSS -- which stands for Really Simple Syndication -- is a way for us, the website, to push information to you, the reader, without you having to come and get it. And it's a pretty handy service. Android provides three types of XML parsers which are DOM, SAX and XMLPullParser. Among all of them android recommend XMLPullParser because it is efficient and easy to use, though it is a little old. A tutor for parsing RSS is here. Refer to this for ExpatPullParser, via Xml.newPullParser().Refer android.util.Xml. Though Jsoup has DOM(Document Object Model) like API, specially has method xmlParser() and parseXmlFragment(). Using android.util.Xml will eliminate external dependency. Refer sax paring: ContentHandler interface requires a number of methods that the SAX parser invokes in response to various parsing events. The major event-handling methods are: startDocument, endDocument, startElement, endElement and characters. The easiest way to implement this interface is to extend the DefaultHandler class, defined in the org.xml.sax.helpers package. That class provides do-nothing methods for all the ContentHandler events.
This SO has example code for switching handler on fly for XmlReader. This example shows how to use XmlPullParser+AsyncTask.

3.4.3 Google Material Design

Refer to Material Design Guidelines, a visual language for users that synthesizes the classic principles of good design with the innovation and possibility of technology and science. This is not specific for Android.

3.4.4 Android Design Support Library

Refer to this blog. Android 5.0 Lollipop was one of the most significant Android releases ever, in no small part due to the introduction of material design, a new design language that refreshed the entire Android experience. Our detailed spec is a great place to start to adopt material design. It talks about navigation drawer view, floating labels for editing text, a floating action button, snackbar, tabs, and a motion and scroll framework to tie them together.


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