Saturday, March 16, 2019

Android开发笔记: 3.11 System info, FileSystem, Security and Encryption

3.11 System info, FileSystem, Security and Encryption

3.11.1 System info Retrieve an ID

Refer to so1, so2 and so3. According to this article, android.os.Build.SERIAL should be unique if it is available. From the article: Devices without telephony are required to report a unique device ID here; some phones may do so also.
The 1st link has summary of phone:
All devices tested returned a value for TelephonyManager.getDeviceId()
  1. All GSM devices (all tested with a SIM) returned a value for TelephonyManager.getSimSerialNumber()
  2. All CDMA devices returned null for getSimSerialNumber() (as expected)
  3. All devices with a Google account added returned a value for ANDROID_ID
  4. All CDMA devices returned the same value (or derivation of the same value) for both ANDROID_ID and TelephonyManager.getDeviceId() -- as long as a Google account has been added during setup.
  5. I did not yet have a chance to test GSM devices with no SIM, a GSM device with no Google account added, or any of the devices in airplane mode.
So if you want something unique to the device itself, TM.getDeviceId() should be sufficient. Obviously some users are more paranoid than others, so it might be useful to hash 1 or more of these identifiers, so that the string is still virtually unique to the device, but does not explicitly identify the user's actual device. For example, using String.hashCode(), combined with a UUID:
final TelephonyManager tm = (TelephonyManager) getBaseContext().getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);
final String tmDevice, tmSerial, androidId;
tmDevice = "" + tm.getDeviceId();
tmSerial = "" + tm.getSimSerialNumber();
UUID deviceUuid = new UUID(androidId.hashCode(), ((long)tmDevice.hashCode() << 32) | tmSerial.hashCode());
String deviceId = deviceUuid.toString();
might result in something like: 00000000-54b3-e7c7-0000-000046bffd97

3.11.2 Filesystem

/data/app: apk files of all installed apps.
/data/app-lib: package subfolder which contains libs
/data/data: package subfolder which contains app files, include shared_prefs

3.11.3 Protect App source from decompiling: proguard

Refer to hackernews and this post for security apps. For security programing, refer to android crypto and this tutor. My thought and learnt from other app: use JNI which cannot be easily decompiled; rename class name to meaning-less; put in a lot of redundant code to confuse decompiler; Use filesize info as usually decompile and recompile will change the size significantly. To protect Java code against decompiler, here is several links, SO, Eclipse, xda.
  1. You can use an obfuscator, like proguard or Ygard, but it is not too complex to decrypt strings and rename classes, fields and methods. DexGuard is related to proguard and is specially for Android, but is not open source, though a free quote available.
  2. You can encrypt your classes with a private key, and use a custom classloader to decrypt your classes with a public key before loading into memory, but it is not too complex to modify the classloader to save onto a disc all the classes loaded.
  3. You can try crash decompilers. JAD is one of the best decompilers but if you add corrupted entries in the constant pools, all products powered by JAD crash. However, some decompilers are still working.

The only way to protect your software, is to deploy it in a SaaS/PaaS. Refer this for IaaS, PaaS and Saas: the importance of applications in a virtualized environment has brought about three major trends in cloud computing:
  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): Used to manage low-level resources like VMs and disks. The end user is responsible for what is running within the VM, starting with the OS. IaaS is most closely related to a regular automated virtualized system. Amazon Web Services is maybe the best-known provider for an IaaS-style cloud service, but there are numerous others in the market.
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS): Provides faster development and deployment platforms by abstracting the user from the OS while adding well-defined APIs to many essential services (such as the Web, databases, mail, queues, and storage) that the developer must use. Both sides benefit; development should be faster and the end product should be more reliable more quickly. Typically PaaS also provides monitoring and administrative consoles tightly designed around the platform, making operations easier. At the same time, by maintaining tight control over what is executed when, PaaS can make better decisions about machine load, at least in theory. Another side effect is a vendor lock-in, desirable to the vendor but maybe not to the developer. Windows Azure is a good example of a PaaS-style cloud.
  • Software as a Service (SaaS): Instead of writing and maintaining every application, one uses online services. Examples include Google Mail and Salesforce. It is important to note that the SaaS software provided by a vendor might not be running in a cloud, but SaaS offerings often make sense when developing an application for the cloud. For instance, if I develop an e-commerce solution in the cloud, I might not want to reinvent my own load balancers, databases, or payment-processing system. I might not even want to run or operate them; perhaps all I want is to use these services. Using SaaS vendors allows me to concentrate on my own application.
Refer this for setting proguard with Android Studio. Refer this SO for enable proguard in Eclipse/ADT project. So for Android Studio, change build.gradle minifyEnabled to true. For Eclipse, uncomment this line in file:
this include one txt from SDK root(which has common setting), and one in the root of project folder(user defined). Then right mouse click the project=>Android Tools=>Export Signed/Unsigned Application Package. After, might need run zipalign, as mentioned in 3.9.1, like:
~/android-sdks/build-tools/23.0.3/zipalign -v 4 iFunTV.apk iFunTV_18.apk . After that, use adb install -r iFunTV_18.akp to update.
If got problem with ProGuard, follow instruction here to get around it. Usually ignore warning for external jar: -dontwarn org.apache.**
To keep a particular package/class: -keep class javax.** { *; }
From being removed or renamed
From being renamed
Classes and class members
Class members only
Classes and class members, if class members present
Note, for example, if want to keep hdp.http.MyApp =>public static String getTumd5(), should put inside -keepclasseswithmembers class hdp.http.MyApp either '*** getTumd5()' or 'public static ** getTumd5()', no 'String'.
Be careful of code like UpdateInfo apkInfo = (UpdateInfo) gson.fromJson(jsontxt, UpdateInfo.class), have to keep the class. Refer to Gson guide and SO. Another problem is Gson with ArrayList. Refer to this SO and this SO, and Gson Proguard rule.

The popular algerithm is RSA and AES. Refer to this SO for AES implementation for NDK: google openssl, and just AES implement.


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