Continue my journey with RISC-v on FPGA. This time, I got a Xilinx Zynq-7000 SoC ZC706 Evaluation kit. The board is at least 7 years old. The FPGA has two Cortex-a9 cores. And there is which has everything needed to get RISC-v running on several Zynq FPGA boards, including ZC706. Again, this project has no update for more than four years now, so can foresee something might be out-of-date. Making this blog just for reference.
The fpga-zynq github repo has pretty good documentation. It's very easy to follow the Quick Instruction, just fetch images and load them to SD card. Setup the boot mode of the board, and all done. The only issue I had run into is related to the SD card. There are several links for FPGA boot from SD issue, like and In general, need to make sure all needed files are properly copied to SD card. For my case, the SD card reader I used first has some weird issue. After I used a newer SD card reader, everything goes very smoothly.
For the 2nd step, pushing Rocket modification to FPGA, I got several problems.
- Problem 1: the instruction mentioned user can pick own rocket-chip directory by override
. Since the freedom repo for Arty A7 contains rocket-chip repo, I was thinking to re-use that to reduce the time and disk usage. However, the 'make rocket' command will run into this error:
module not found: edu.berkeley.cs#chisel3_2.12;3.2-SNAPSHOT
The error is like and edu.berkeley.cs#chisel_2.11;3.1-SNAPSHOT: not found · Issue #518 · chipsalliance/chisel3 · GitHub. One post mentioned need to update the dependency from chisel2 to chisel3. I cannot figure out a quick way to get around this, so gave up on this. Instead, remove the setting of ROCKET_DIR
. 'make init-submodules'
will download rocket_chip repo, and the not found of edu.berkeley.cs:chisel3_2.12:3.3-SNAPSHOT
is gone.
- Problem 2: '
make rocket'
successfully created rocket_chip.stamp file, but reported no rule to make testchipip.stamp. This is a weird one, as the Makefile and common/Makefrag file does not have testchipip.stamp as target. Turns out due to the line-ending of file, the shell script failed to finish some work which leads to issue for EXTRA_PACKAGES=testchipip. One problem is the make command line doesn't generate meaningful message pointing to the shell script problem. I figured out that by turning on -d option for make, and run the script manually. For fixing this, do: "git config --global core.autocrlf false" then do git checkout to apply the setting. - Problem 3: Seeing error
JDK version not compatible with scala. As replied for, each version of scala only works with certain version of JDK (refer to For this case, have to stick with JDK8:Missing dependency 'object java.lang.Object in compiler mirror', required by /.m2/repository/org/scala-lang/scala-library/2.10.4/scala-library-2.10.4.jar(scala/package.class)
sudo update-alternatives --install "/usr/bin/java" "java" "/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/java" 1
- Problem 4: "make project" will need to invoke Vivado. On Windows, this can be achieved by running under Cygwin with Vivado executable added to PATH. However, on both Windows and Linux, I'm seeing same error as:ERROR: [Board 49-71] The board_part definition was not found for The project's board_part property was not set, but the project's part property was set to xc7z045ffg900-2. Valid board_part values can be retrieved with the 'get_board_parts' Tcl command. Check if board.repoPaths parameter is set and the board_part is installed from the tcl app store.Per this, this and this, as the instruction/repo is for Vivado 2016 but I'm using 2022 version, would need to update the tcl script for creating Vivado project, modify the line like this:
- set_property board_part [current_project]
For my case, would need to update zc706/src/tcl/zc706_rocketchip_ZynqFPGAConfig.tcl, which has line as: set_property "board_part" "" $objRun get_board_parts within the tcl console shows So update the tcl script, run "rm -rf zc706_rocketchip_ZynqFPGAConfig" first, then run "make project" again.Then run into problem 5:ERROR: [BD_TCL-109] This script was generated using Vivado <2016.2> and is being run in <2022.1> of Vivado. Please run the script in Vivado <2016.2> then open the design in Vivado <2022.1>. Upgrade the design by running "Tools => Report => Report IP Status...", then run write_bd_tcl to create an updated script.
This error is from zc706/src/tcl/zc706_bd.tcl. With 2022.1, "Report" is a separate menu item beside tools, and it only shows up after a project is opened. Really don't want to spend hours to install the 2016.2 version. So I just modified the zc706_bd.tcl to set the version as 2022.1 which matches the version I'm using. With that, there is some critical warning, like this: "CRITICAL WARNING: [BD 41-737] Cannot set the parameter PCW_M_AXI_GP0_FREQMHZ on /processing_system7_0. It is read-only.", but the project (.xpr) file did get created successfully.Run "make fpga-images-zc706/boot.bin" will do synthesis and implementation with the project. This somehow not working for me, because of the bit file is missing. Likely this is due to my Vivado installation does not have valid license for creating bit for zynq. Opened the project from Vivado which has valid license, and generate bit file there. It got successfully generated on both Linux and Windows Vivado. However, when run "make fpga-images-zc706/boot.bin" again, the boot.bin would be successfully generated on Linux but not on Windows. Error for Windows/Cygwin run is like this:ln -sf ../../zc706_rocketchip_ZynqFPGAConfig/zc706_rocketchip_ZynqFPGAConfig.runs/impl_1/rocketchip_wrapper.bit fpga-images-zc706/boot_image/rocketchip_wrapper.bit
The bit file under impl_1 did exist, however, 'ln -sf' may create a junction point on NTFS, which might not work for Xilinx Windows bootgen. To get around this, delete the symbolic link, copy the bit file directly to fpga-images-zc706/boot_image folder, then CD to fpga-images-zc706 folder, and run "bootgen -image boot.bif -w -o boot.bin" directly (don't try the make command, as it will create the soft symbolic link again), and this works under Cygwin.
cd fpga-images-zc706; bootgen -image boot.bif -w -o boot.bin
[ERROR] : Cannot read BIT file - boot_image/rocketchip_wrapper.bitSo finally I got the binary built on both Linux and Windows/Cygwin. Lesson learned is: for FPGA development, better do everything on Linux but not Windows: too many hassle.At this point, I thought I had it completed, but in fact, it is not. So <to be continue>
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