Friday, February 10, 2012

在PC机上运行Chrome Apps

很多人都听说过Apps不过从未用过Smart Phone或Tablet,对Apps没有一点idea,或者没有机会试试,野心勃勃的Google正不愧余力地到处扩张,现在你可以轻而易举地在PC机上运行Angry Bird,植物大战僵尸等游戏,免费游戏大把大把的。贴个屏给大家看看,我很喜欢FieldRunners。给Google做做广告,想安装,去。有些游戏需要图形加速,HTML5,及OpenGL。前一段时间在XP上运行有问题,最新的Chrome Update可能fix了。

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


RIM在近来的DevCon上宣布Native software development kit (SDK) for Blackberry 10将开源,正像我曾在之前的blog所主张的。以下摘自theinquirer
Alec Saunders, VP of developer relations at RIM said, "One of the biggest complaints I heard when I joined the company was from developers who said you know I can't use open source on Blackberry OS and that means it takes longer to write code for Blackbeery and makes it more expensive."
"You know what, we're super committed to open source," he added.
The SDK will feature open source libraries, physics engines, scripting languages, multimedia libraries, general purpose libraries, gaming frameworks and code samples, according to Saunders.
A key component of the SDK is Qt, a cross platform application and user interface framework that RIM has adopted. Nokia played a large part in developing and pushing Qt while it was developing its Symbian operating system.
Other examples of open source parts of the SDK are Bullet Physics, Spidermonkey, Marmalade, and Lua.
此前,HP已决定开源WebOS。想保持生命力,要有远见和发展的眼光,不能只担心自己的软件会被人抄袭,只有给程序开发者提供方便,你的产品才会得到更多的支持,也才会有更好的市场,IBM PC兼容机就是最好的实例。