Sunday, July 14, 2024

Learning SDL Part II

 In Learning SDL Part I I talked about the 2DLight example from It might be a bit too advanced for beginner. The examples have external dependencies, and might not easy to be understood without basic concept of SDL. Code might have not been maintained after years. And may due to build tools update or package update, code cannot be built out-of-box. So I decide to start from simple one:

The first example is "01_hello_SDL". Since it is a simple one, I'm going to try to build it with NMake. A simple Makefile for x64 would be like this:

# Compiler
# Include directory for SDL headers
# Library directory for SDL library files
# Compiler flags, appending /Zi if want to debug
# Linker flags
LFLAGS=/link /LIBPATH:$(SDL_LIB) SDL2.lib SDL2main.lib SDL2_image.lib Shell32.lib /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE

# Target executable name
# Source files

# Rule to make the target

# Clean target
    del $(TARGET) *.obj

Note: 1) have to specify /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE, otherwise may get entry point not defined error as Win32 app will look for WinMain as entry point.

2)  Have to link to SDL2main.lib and Shell32.lib. SDL2main.lib provides SDL entry function. The Shell32.lib is needed, otherwise, will get error 'LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp_CommandLineToArgvW referenced in function main_getcmdline'

3) For some projects need more image format support such as png, would need link to more lib, such as 06_extension_libraries_and_loading_other_image_formats, would need libpng16-16.dll and zlib1.dll which is a dependency of the png dll. If this zlib1 is missing, will only see error complaining "Failed loading libpng16-16.dll" which might be misleading.

4) For projects which needs font, would need link to SDL2_ttf.lib, and needs libfreetype-6.dll at runtime

5) For projects which needs audio, would need link to SDL2_mixer.lib

Run this to setup x64 env: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat", then run 'NMake' to build. Can copy the x64 SDL dll to C:\Windows\System32 folder, then won't need to copy them to working folder every time.

6) For projects using OpenGL, OpenGL very likely is already installed on the system. May check whether opengl.dll and glu.dll under \windows\system32. To link the lib, add these two libs:

opengl32.lib glu32.lib

7) For OpenGL Extension Wrangler library, can be downloaded from

Learning SDL Part I


While trying to add more feature to the Tanks game, I realized that I need dive deeper into SDL programming. For this reason, I went to and downloaded project files. As I didn't have the Visual Studio installed, but only the build tools, so need some tweak to build the examples. The downloaded package comes with solution (.sln) and project (.vcxproj) files. So the project can be built with command like: msbuild 2DLight.sln /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform="x86"

Also need to update the vcxproj file with v141=>v143, set WindowsTargetPlatformVersion to 10.0.22621.0 which matches my environment, and set AdditionalIncludeDirectories and AdditionalLibraryDirectories to have my SDL2 header file and lib paths, and need to make sure the setting is in 'x64' session if using x64 as platform in above command line. And for the first 2DLight example, would need download and SDL2_gfx as well. Note SDL_gfx is not from as other SDL lib. And note, there is SDL2_gfx-1.0.4.tar.gz (.zip) and SDL_gfx-2.0.27.tar.gz, though the 2.0.27 is a newer release (Ver 1.0.4 – 11 Feb 2018 vs Ver 2.0.27 – Sun Dec 10 2023), the later is not compatible with SDL2, and though it comes with a SDL2 patch (also needs some tweak such as needs to link with SDL2.lib instead of SDL.lib, rename the project file as SDL2_gfx.vcxproj), the resulted lib may not work with the example code from sdl2-tutorials.

Need to make similar update for SDL2_gfx.vcxproj. And it does not have x86, but Win32, so build command is:
msbuild SDL2_gfx.sln /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform="Win32"

May see this error: SDL2_gfx-1.0.4\SDL2_gfxPrimitives_font.h(1559,1): warning C4819: The file contains a character that cannot be represented in the current code page (936). Save the file in Unicode format to prevent data loss

Just remove these characters (all are inline comment) should be OK.

For error  SDL2_gfx-1.0.4\SDL2_gfxPrimitives.c(1771,2): error C2169: 'lrint': intrinsic function, cannot be defined, refer to Just comment out the define/implementation as this is already defined as intrinsic function.

There would be a bunch error for building test if those vcxproj files have not been updated, and can be ignored for now. If all test project files got updated, 3 of the 4 tests should work out-of-box, but for TestImageFilter, would not see any thing displayed or printed to terminal. By checking the code, this Image filter test is using 'printf' to log information, and the test has no graphics display. The 'printf' won't spite out anything either, probably due to SDL hijacked the console I/O. The C code also includes 'windows.h' when 'WIN32' is defined. And in fact, w/ or w/o this header file makes no difference. The way to get some print out is replacing 'printf' in the code with 'SDL_Log' call. With SDL_Log, I got 23 of 27 passed OK.

Now, back to the 2DLight example, all build are OK, but will get runtime error as "The application was unable to start correctly. 0xc00007b". Turns out this is due to mixed using x64 build tools to build x86 dll and executable. And the behavior is very weird. So, just avoid doing that.

Now with x86 build environment, build SDL2_gfx as Win32 target, and use other x86 SDL2 lib/dll, also make sure the image/PNG files are copied to the run folder, no more 0xc00007b, however, seeing an assert for vector subscript out of range. Per Copilot:

The vx.reserve(result.size()) call in the code snippet reserves memory for result.size() elements in the vector vx. However, it does not change the size of the vector. The reserve() function is used to allocate memory in advance to prevent frequent reallocations when adding elements to the vector.

To actually change the size of the vector to match the reserved capacity, you can use the resize() function instead of reserve(). The resize() function not only reserves memory but also sets the size of the vector to the specified value.

After I replaced the two reserve() with resize(), the code mostly works as expected, may still see 'Expression: vector subscript out of range' sometimes, likely usually happened when moving the mouse cursor out of the frame, probably due to missing boundary checking. Updated source code was pushed to forked

If you are using VSCode as editor like me, you may create task.json like this to allow building the project with MSBuild using shortcut 'ctrl+shift+b' (the top half set build env for x86, the bottom half run MSBuild with the solution file):

    "version": "2.0.0",
    "windows": {
      "options": {
        "shell": {
          "executable": "cmd.exe",
          "args": [
            // The path of batch file and platform parameter for setting the build env
            "\"C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2022/BuildTools/VC/Auxiliary/Build/vcvarsall.bat\"",
    "tasks": [
        "type": "shell",
        "label": "MSBuild.exe build active file",
        "command": "MSBuild.exe",
        "args": [
        "problemMatcher": ["$msCompile"],
        "group": {
          "kind": "build",
          "isDefault": true

 If want to use VSCode built-in debugger, may create launch.json as:

    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "name": "2DLight",
            "type": "cppvsdbg",
            "request": "launch",
            "program": "2DLight.exe",
            "args": [],
            "stopAtEntry": false,
            "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}/Release",
            "environment": [],
            "console": "externalTerminal"

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Update Tanks (坦克大战) with network support

With Revisit 坦克大战编程, can easily build Tanks on Windows or under WSL. However, with one player the game would be a bit boring and a bit frustrate; and with two player2 on same PC, it would be a bit crowd for four hands on one keyboard. If would be more attractive if two players can play together remotely, or even play against each other, would be much fun. So, we need to bring in network support. Would need to choose a  suitable networking library, (e.g., SDL_net, which complements SDL, or another networking library like Boost.Asio for C++). Need to initialize the networking in the application, setting up one instance as the server and the other as the client.

I haven't been using either network library. So will pick SDL_net since we already have used other library from SDL. SDL_net was moved to github as: Similar as other SDL libraries, I downloaded

Now it's time to deep dive to the code to understand the design. The main loop is App::run with state of m_app_state check/switch, eventProces, m_app_state->update, m_app_state->draw, and FPS control. m_app_state initially is pointing to an instance of Menu, then it is pointing to an instance of Game, Scores and Menu sequentially after invoke of nextState, which updates the state machine. Menu is the state to allow user to select player and quit, Scores is the state to show the score. So we most are interested of the Game state.

It would be complex to maintain two state machine on two hosts, even one is a mirror of the other. Need to clone all object on fly, with dynamic create and destroy, and need to merge input from both side, and one side needs to be the master for random number generation, state control by user. Also consider network latency, might be a bit messy to maintain the sync between server and client. The easier approach would be let the master to maintain the state machine, for client side, just relay the input to server, and mirror the render result from server.

(to be continue)